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From its inception in 1839 through the 1850s, the S. Stephens’ parish grew out of its original building, now the Barker Playhouse on Benefit Street.  In 1860, the church bought the lot on George street and hired the noted U.S. gothic revival architect Richard Upjohn to design a church in what is known as the Middle Pointed or Decorated style.  The parish consecrated the building in February, 1862, during a fierce snowstorm.  

Over the years, parishioners, the Vestry and individual priests embellished the elegant building with gifts that include many stained-glass windows (two of which are original Tiffanys), the white marble font, the Sanctuary lamp, statues, paintings and many other gorgeously-crafted objects.  

To learn more about the building, its history, renovations and notable features, click here. 

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